
The Story.

Launched in 2019, we have made over 1000 connections into jobs for our small portfolio of 45 clients, both temporary and permanent. A smaller agency putting people first, Jam Recruitment is changing the recruitment industry one job at a time.

Our Mission

Family oriented, our mission is to ensure that our team of contractors are cared for, providing them with opportunities to upskill and achieve their short- and long-term career goals. Understanding that having a job for some employees can make the difference between rent being paid and food on the table, or not, we take the time to learn about our candidates and their ‘why’.

“We’re here to build lives, not to hit targets.” – Marty

The Goal

By connecting employees with opportunities to gain experience, upskill, and qualify for long-term roles, we provide stability for both our contractors and clients equally.

Meet The Team.

Marty Swart, Director of Jam Recruitment

Marty Swart


With a dream to help others get a head start in their careers, Marty opened Jam Recruitment just over three years ago. Passionate about engaging with different people from all walks of life and understanding that a job can be a lifeline for many, Marty has built a close-knit team that supports his vision to empower those who come to Jam looking for job.